Bariatric Surgery


Bariatric Surgery in Henderson, Nevada

Beyond the physical struggles of obesity, it is also related to some of the leading causes of preventable death in America. Conditions related to excess weight include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

For many people struggling with obesity, diet and exercise alone are not enough to achieve long-term health and weight goals.

The Surgical Weight Control Center in Henderson, Nevada, offers effective weight-loss treatment options. All procedures are performed at Spring Valley Hospital Medical Center, which provides distinguished bariatric surgery in Henderson. As a nationally accredited bariatric center, we provide you with long-term management to help you take control of your lifestyle and regain your health.

Surgical Weight Control Center also provides support to patients after their surgeries to ensure long-term success. We hold weight-loss seminars and weight-loss surgery support groups.

Lose weight now!

Start your journey to a healthy, better you at Surgical Weight Control Center. Call 702-313-8446 or visit their website for more information about your weight-loss options.

Visit Surgical Weight Control Center

Are you a candidate for weight-loss surgery?

Complete this assessment to help determine if weight-loss surgery is right for you.

Start Your Weight-Loss Assessment Now

Weight-loss surgery may be right for you if:

  • You are over age 18
  • Your are at least 50 pounds overweight, depending on other health conditions
  • Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is at least 35 with one obesity-related health problem (such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or sleep apnea) or your BMI is greater than 40, with or without related health problems.
  • You have tried other weight-loss methods without success
  • You are medically stable and physically able to withstand surgery
  • You pass a psychological screening test that helps determine if you are able to comply with postsurgical behavior modifications
  • You complete all required pre-operative testing

Bariatric Surgery Options

The dedicated Valley Health surgical teams perform both standard and minimally-invasive bariatric weight-loss surgeries. Surgical weight loss options include gastric bypass surgery, gastric sleeve surgery and the duodenal switch procedure.

Like any surgical procedure, there are associated risks and individual results may vary. A weight loss surgeon can help you calculate these risks and decide what option is right for you.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

In gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon reduces the size of the stomach and connects it to the small intestine. This approach allows the food to travel directly into the small intestine. As a result, the body absorbs fewer calories.

Surgeons will divide the stomach into two parts. The top section is a small upper section, called the pouch, where the food will go.

The larger lower section is referred to as the “remnant” pouch. The pouch will only hold one ounce of food until it digests. The surgeon will then connect a part of the small intestine to a hole in the pouch.

Gastric bypass surgery can be done with a minimally invasive approach called a laparoscopic procedure. In laparoscopic bypass surgery, bariatric surgeons use a small incision and insert a tiny camera to provide a visual aid. This type of procedure may help minimize scarring and promote faster healing.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgeries, or sleeve gastrectomies, reduce the stomach to about 15% of its original size. Gastric sleeve surgery is generally done as a minimally-invasive laparoscopic procedure.

To perform the procedure, the gastric sleeve surgeon first removes part of the stomach. The surgeon then creates a new, tube-shaped stomach known as a “sleeve.” The new, smaller stomach restricts the amount of food that can be eaten at a time.

Weight loss following this procedure is typically slower than is seen with gastric bypass surgery. However, over time, reduced stomach size helps patients develop new eating habits and lose weight.

Duodenal Switch

In the duodenal switch procedure, the surgeon creates a sleeve, similar to gastric sleeve surgery. Surgeons will attach the sleeve to the last part of the small intestine. This helps the nutrients to bypass all but the last section of the small intestine causing fewer calories to be absorbed.

The duodenal switch is performed as a minimally-invasive laparoscopic procedure. Patients report less restriction on food consumption than with other bariatric procedures.

More Information about Bariatric Surgery

Visit the Surgical Weight Control Center for more information on bariatric surgery information such as weight loss seminars, support groups, and health tips from our physicians. To book an appointment with a bariatric physician, click here.